Stacey Campbell believed that supernatural experiences had ceased with the early Church. Yet in spite of herself, she was no longer sitting passively in a prayer meeting. She was now shaking, bouncing, speaking in tongues and giving prophetic utterance - overtaken by the Holy Spirit.
The desire to understand this unasked-for experience led Campbell, a respected teacher and leader, on a journey deeper into the heart of God. Here she explores this remarkable gift in which the Holy Spirit takes over a person - body, soul and spirit. She offers biblical, historical and modern-day examples; warns about deception; and explains how to grow in this gifting.
The desire to understand this unasked-for experience led Campbell, a respected teacher and leader, on a journey deeper into the heart of God. Here she explores this remarkable gift in which the Holy Spirit takes over a person - body, soul and spirit. She offers biblical, historical and modern-day examples; warns about deception; and explains how to grow in this gifting.