The Bible teaches us, "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:2 NLT) When our behaviour fails to live up to our faith, and the way in which we want to live for God, how do we change? The answer is a revelation of the Truth. The key to changing our behaviour is through establishing a belief system built on a solid foundation of truth. This is the simple but profound premise that 'Truthformation' explores. Often we pour a huge amount of energy into trying to change negative behavioural patterns, without ever addressing our core belief system, which fuels such behaviour. But the power of truth is such that, when engaged with, it has the power to radical alter the way we think, which empowers us to say no to the patterns of behaviour we want to escape from. Without revelation we...
- Go in the wrong direction and come to the wrong conclusions
- Are filled with doubt
- Constantly regret our mistakes With revelation, the power of truth can...
- Make sense of our past
- Transform our present
- Revolutionise our future
- Go in the wrong direction and come to the wrong conclusions
- Are filled with doubt
- Constantly regret our mistakes With revelation, the power of truth can...
- Make sense of our past
- Transform our present
- Revolutionise our future