Parker J. Palmer, writer, speaker and author of On the Brink of Everything
The Way of Thomas Merton guides you through the major themes of Merton's work and shows how his advice can help you to overcome the obstacles that modern life presents for spiritual development.
For Merton, the spiritual life is a journey from the false to the true self - a journey that all followers of Jesus must take - and this book will help you to love and nurture your true self as you journey through Lent and beyond.
The Way of Thomas Merton guides you through the major themes of Merton's work and shows how his advice can help you to overcome the obstacles that modern life presents for spiritual development.
For Merton, the spiritual life is a journey from the false to the true self - a journey that all followers of Jesus must take - and this book will help you to love and nurture your true self as you journey through Lent and beyond.