The gospel of Mark is a regular staple in most churches. People gravitate towards it because of its brevity,
action-packed nature and familiar content. However, we must be careful that familiarity and assumption doesn't blind us to the great depth, priceless treasure and awe-filled wonder there are within its pages. This gospel is all about The King, his cross and his word. This volume, Teaching Mark, will be a great guide for you as you read, study and teach the gospel of Mark. It will help you keep Mark's big purpose in view and help you see what is really there.
action-packed nature and familiar content. However, we must be careful that familiarity and assumption doesn't blind us to the great depth, priceless treasure and awe-filled wonder there are within its pages. This gospel is all about The King, his cross and his word. This volume, Teaching Mark, will be a great guide for you as you read, study and teach the gospel of Mark. It will help you keep Mark's big purpose in view and help you see what is really there.