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Jan 9, 2024
I especially wrote this book for all the Freedom Warriors and Truthtellers in this Spiritual War.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
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Jean Forristal about  THE SLEEPY SHEPHERD BOOK & CD:
Dec 21, 2023
Saw this performance by Junior infant class this morning. Delighful, catchy, funny appropriate nativity play. Thoroughly enjoyable for participants and audience alike. Lyrics and music beautiful light hearted and witty.
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John Sommerville about  GLENNA'S ANGEL: A MIRACLE FROM GOD:
Jun 21, 2023
Having already read this book, I decided to order more copies to give to close friends and church colleagues. This book is a delight to read very easy to follow to the point you just want to read it cover to cover as quickly as possible. Apart from the Miracle it is so relatable and will provide so many with comfort,which I think is it’s purpose. I would highly recommend it .
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Feb 21, 2023
ME is a very misunderstood illness. Wrongly thought by some to be a mental health problem, ME is in fact a neuroimmune disorder affecting every system and part of the body. Through telling her own story, Hazel Stapleton clearly shows what a devastating condition ME is, with awful consequences for the sufferer and their loved ones. In my experience, churches have been very slow to try and understand ME and to support ME sufferers. I trust that this book will help to educate churches and individual Christians about ME, enabling them to support those with it.
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Margaret Sollors about  LET US ADORE HIM CD:
Dec 21, 2022
Beautiful cd, some well known tracks given a new arrangement, all very uplifting! My only comment is that the CD does not tell you who is singing the tracks. I had to use Google to find out!
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Michelle Brown about  IN HIS IMAGE:
Aug 3, 2022
Our identity as children of God is such an important concept for the church to truly grasp and I highly recommend this book to all Christians who want to go deeper in their understanding and revelation of who they are as a child of God and what God thinks and feels about them. Highly recommended!
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Mar 25, 2022
These panorama guides are an excellent way to understand the context of the various subjects in the bible. I was given an very old (non-colour!) version of study 1 a number of years ago and it was exhilarating to read and study it. Have recently bought this second guide and found the same level of enjoyment. These deserve to be more popular! Thoroughly recommended.
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Sacha Sheppard about  MAZE THE MAGAZINE:
Feb 28, 2022
A great resource for helping conversation flow and prompting good communication. Easy to dip into and a helpful prompt for different subjects. A great book for keeping up a healthy marriage.
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Joann about  AFRICAN PEARL:
Nov 1, 2021
I found this book disappointing, it wasn't what I would call a missionary story, no mention of reaching the lost for Christ, in fact there was never a mention of the gospel in the book, more of a humanitarian theme than anything else. Actually found it quite boring to read.
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Jul 3, 2021
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Lisa about  AN OCEAN OF GRACE:
May 10, 2021
Sometimes we need help to focus our attention on God. This book is a wonderful aid for encouraging deeper contemplation and fresh wonder of our amazing God. Although it's flagged as a Lent resource, it can be used any time of the year to deepen daily devotions. I was introduced to this by a friend and have since bought extra copies for family and friends. Well recommended.
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May 4, 2021
This book has really helped me to explore my relationship with God in deeper and different ways. Jill Weber draws on her own life experiences to lead the reader through various aspects of their own faith life. This means that it isn’t at all preachy or condescending. It was easy to read - accessible - yet challenging in a really helpful way. Each short chapter (there are 40) ends with questions and or challenges, which flow beautifully. It has helped me grow in my faith and the Holy Spirit has used it to deepen my prayer life.
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Feb 2, 2021
Frightening! This book is a must read. Reading this book gave me a greater understanding of Bible prophecy as well as what's going on now in front of our very eyes on the world stage.
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Dawn Bell about  GARDEN OF MADNESS:
Jan 14, 2021
If you enjoy suspense and not knowing where the author is taking you, then you will definitely enjoy this book. I loved every page. The biblical thread throughout the book shows you the characters of God and how he came for everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike.
You will not be disappointed!
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Jun 9, 2020
I absolutely adore meditating on these, and the visual designs must be divinely inspired.. I love it!
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Apr 5, 2020

Review by Charles Gardner

As a journalist of more than 40 years, I am well used to deadlines. But I take my hat off to fellow writer Richard Roe for daring to tackle the ultimate deadline. In this excellent book, he addresses a subject most of us try all our lives to avoid – what happens when we die.
Actually, it’s not as morbid as it sounds, and is both well written and hugely insightful. Basically, his thesis is that the resurrection of Jesus has dealt with man’s greatest enemy. But at the same time the author pulls no punches, asserting that Jesus is the only way to heaven and the only means of avoiding hell.
His reasoning is intelligent, sound and practical, but essentially biblical, concluding that the Word of God holds the key to the hereafter.
It may be a taboo subject not suited to livening up a party, but this is a deadline we will certainly all face sooner or later as well as a clear and beautiful presentation of the gospel that tells us Jesus has paid the price for our sins, which would otherwise condemn us to everlasting torment.
The author also ably demonstrates how Jesus fulfills the Jewish (Old Testament) scriptures and how, in turning water into wine, he showed that he is Creator of the Universe.

Charles Gardner
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Mar 2, 2020
Great book that encourages discussion about Christian belief related to the subject of death, and helps us discover God's wonderful plan for us to live with meaning and purpose.
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Gill Platt about  4X4 GIVE THANKS GLASS BLOCK:
Jan 5, 2020
I bought this for a gift, it’s the third one we’ve brought and everyone really appreciates them. They look lovely. We have one ourselves which is 6” square, if they’d had that one this time I’d have got that as I prefer the size but it wasn’t available. This is on the small side but still a lovely gift
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Robert & Diana Mulgrew about  I CHOOSE EVERYTHING:
Nov 19, 2019
Long before this book was written, I had the privelege of meeting Jozanne, her husband Dave, and children Luke & Nicole, through my wife Diana.
Dave and Jozanne had recently moved to "The Wilderness" near Knysna, Eastern Cape, S. Africa.
My wife and I are South African ex-pats, living in Ireland, and were on holiday in our beloved South Africa. We spent a few days living with the Moss family, in what can only be described as the closest place to heaven considering the peace and natural beauty of the Wilderness. At that stage maybe in 2005 Jozanne was a healthy young mother, wife and schoolteacher. Next year we were shocked to hear that Jozanne was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Syndrome. She would send us updates of her condition and how she and her family were adapting to this invader in their lives. She would also share what/how the Lord Jesus was doing to strengthen her specifically and equip them as a family to cope.
As we noted the gradual but desisive erosion of her faculties: firstly losing her mobility, then an inability to even sit unaided, and then the need for a full-time carer.
Jozanne's "letters" sent to us via email became our only precious insight into her life: what she was feeling/perceiving/ and what she felt coming from Jesus to encourage her.
We suggested that she compile all these mails and convert these into a book. She was very brave in her honest account of her journey from her couch, (where she could then only type with a "virtual keyboard" choosing one character at a time, and clicking the mouse. She only had the use of one finger, but no wrist or arm (motor) function. Can you imagine... It would have taken her a few days to write this review!!) into the arms of Jesus.
We can attest to the authenticity of this book, and we endorse "I Choose Everything" to be God-inspired.
Robert and Diana Mulgrew, Maynooth, Ireland. November 2019
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Ladyscot about  GOD'S PATCHWORK:
Feb 15, 2019
An honest gripping testimony to God's work in her life from childhood till present, Africa and UK. Could not put it down. Short chapters easy read.
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derek sparrow about  AND GOD SAID:
Dec 22, 2017
Genesis is presented in the following wrods: "And God said, ‘Go, have children, explore, rule,
guard, keep. Have the run of the place. Watch out for one thing
– that particular tree brings knowledge of good and evil, and you don’t want
a piece of that – but otherwise, it’s all yours. Enjoy.’ And the humans did."

Judge for yoruself.
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Sep 8, 2017
I loved reading this book. It is honest, fun, uplifting and full of truth. It will encourage and challenge you, wherever you are in your walk with God. Read it, it will do you good.
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Rory Durrant about  BIBLE ANSWERS:
Mar 25, 2017
Brilliant book, has almost every single question you could ever ask
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Patrick Rooney about  IF A WICKED MAN:
Mar 7, 2017
An enthralling true crime biography that reads like a bestselling fiction novel. Once I began to read this I was taken in to John Lawson's life in such detail that I understood how he was easily drawn into a life of hardship, violence and crime. Sometimes sad, sometimes humourous, his incredible story then becomes one of salvation ,after a 'calling' he received while in prison which John embraced. Changing his life forever.
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Bryony about  KNOW YOUR WHY:
Jan 6, 2017
I have learnt a lot from this book and would highly recommend reading it. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from this for whichever stage of life you are in. Ken Costa is a brilliant author.
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