A new order. An ancient evil. A battle about to begin.
It is the near future. Adrian De Vere, President of the European Union, oversees the signing of an unprecedented international treaty, ushering in a new era of one-world government.
Jason De Vere, media mogul, finds himself forced out of the empire he helped create. With friends, allies and even family turning against him, help comes from an unexpected quarter…
Nick De Vere, archaeologist and playboy – and newly returned from the dead – leads Jason into an underground world of hidden knowledge and forbidden secrets. Together they must face down the most ruthless of adversaries: their own brother.
As the Antarctic ice gives up a grisly secret, and shadowy figures are plotting behind the scenes, armies of good and evil are being marshalled for the conflict to come. Operation Pale Horse is underway…
It is the near future. Adrian De Vere, President of the European Union, oversees the signing of an unprecedented international treaty, ushering in a new era of one-world government.
Jason De Vere, media mogul, finds himself forced out of the empire he helped create. With friends, allies and even family turning against him, help comes from an unexpected quarter…
Nick De Vere, archaeologist and playboy – and newly returned from the dead – leads Jason into an underground world of hidden knowledge and forbidden secrets. Together they must face down the most ruthless of adversaries: their own brother.
As the Antarctic ice gives up a grisly secret, and shadowy figures are plotting behind the scenes, armies of good and evil are being marshalled for the conflict to come. Operation Pale Horse is underway…