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10 Publishing
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God wants all of you. He cares about how you spend your money, what job you get and even how you dress. While we might know this to be true, it can be tricky to work out exactly how knowing God should affect how we live. It can be tempting to compartmentalise our lives and leave Jesus out of our daily routine, or to make up rules to live by in the hope that they will help us please God.

Help is at hand in this book as Matt Carvel walks us through what the Bible has to say about how we should live as God's people. Matt writes in a down-to-earth and practical style with chapters on healthy living, work and God's will amongst others. This isn't a book that will curtail your freedom, but rather, it will help you to embrace the joy that comes from living fully for God.

You'll find this a really valuable resource whether you're a new Christian, a recent graduate moving into 'the real world' or anyone wanting to explore how Christianity connects with daily life.

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