The first is concerned with the nature of Satan and his activity in the world God has made. It focuses initially on the fact that he is a created being, and then moves on to his temptation of the first human couple, which, although bringing about their fall into sin, did not thereby divest them of moral responsibility for what they did. The second section examines the different dimensions of Christ's victory over Satan. The third section considers ways in which Christ's victory over Satan impacts his people, including their deliverance from 'the dominion of darkness' and their security in Christ, with whom they are seated already 'in the heavenly places' far above the principalities and powers. The final section looks first at various areas in which believers must fight sin and Satan.
Two concluding chapters examine the weapons with which God endows his people for their spiritual warfare, so that Christians and churches may fight the good fight and overcome, and finish their course with joy.