There are 87 species of kingfisher in the world. The one classified by Swedish biologist and Lutheran pastor’s son Carl Linnaeus in the 1700’s, Alcedo atthis, is the one found in Europe. You will most likely catch a glimpse of this beautiful bird flying quickly along a river, lake or estuary displaying brightly coloured shades of blue and orange. They also hover and dive in spectacular fashion in order to catch fish. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to photograph this bird by chance. The aerodynamics of this creature are intricate and supremely fit for purpose. The authors consider both the capturing of an image and the flight feathers and aerodynamics of the kingfisher. Finally, it is explained that all beauty in this world is marred and the redemption of the entire groaning creation can only be found in Christ’s death - the one from whom the beauty of the kingfisher was created.