With 59 commands in 108 verses, the epistle of James has an obvious zeal for law. In his imperatives, James directly communicates the royal law, the law of King Jesus (2:8). In this commentary, Daniel M. Doriani reveals the double mention of God's grace at the rhetorical climax of the book shows that the gospel of James is the message of God's grace for sinners.
About The Reformed Expository Commentary Series:
The Reformed Expository Commentary focuses on the English rendering of the biblical text, and thus does not address concerns of the original language nor academic technicalities. Rather, proceeding section-by-section it focuses on the narrative flow of the biblical book, while drawing out significant points or theological emphases in the text, and then applies them to the daily life of the Christian.
About The Reformed Expository Commentary Series:
The Reformed Expository Commentary focuses on the English rendering of the biblical text, and thus does not address concerns of the original language nor academic technicalities. Rather, proceeding section-by-section it focuses on the narrative flow of the biblical book, while drawing out significant points or theological emphases in the text, and then applies them to the daily life of the Christian.