No one in history has lived such a perfect, beautiful and significant life as Jesus Christ.
His life, death, resurrection and his teaching have changed the story of our world.
Tragically, the Western world has side-lined Jesus today and most people have little knowledge of who he is and what he accomplished.
The result is a society sinking into violence and moral decay. People are fed with false ideas of Jesus that have nothing to do with either the Bible or historical fact.
The evidence for the historical Jesus and his resurrection is strong. See the booklet in this series Is it True? The resurrection of Jesus.
This booklet, Who is Jesus?, introduces the real Jesus: who he is, what he is like, all that he accomplished and how you can know him for yourself.
Here you will discover the glory of his person and the pure dignity of his character.
His life, death, resurrection and his teaching have changed the story of our world.
Tragically, the Western world has side-lined Jesus today and most people have little knowledge of who he is and what he accomplished.
The result is a society sinking into violence and moral decay. People are fed with false ideas of Jesus that have nothing to do with either the Bible or historical fact.
The evidence for the historical Jesus and his resurrection is strong. See the booklet in this series Is it True? The resurrection of Jesus.
This booklet, Who is Jesus?, introduces the real Jesus: who he is, what he is like, all that he accomplished and how you can know him for yourself.
Here you will discover the glory of his person and the pure dignity of his character.