HOW TO KISS (How to Know Intimacy with your Saviour and your Spouse) is a unique collection of 106 meditations on the Song of Solomon, aimed primarily at couples. The book avoids succumbing to the two major temptations of trying to restrict its meaning to purely spiritual or purely sexual, but rather acknowledges the miracle that Song of Solomon is indeed God-breathed, addressing both areas simultaneously. HOW TO KISS is divided into 53 sections, each of just a few verses, in each case with two meditations, one to help grow your relationship with Jesus, the Lover of your soul, and the other to enhance your relationship with your earthly lover.
In both approaches, the author seeks to avoid ‘ducking the issue’, especially on sensual or erotic topics. However, it is never coarse or crude, and tastefully counters Christianity’s bewilderment with the body and sexual intimacy.
I commend this study on the Song of Solomon for its balance in presenting both deep spiritual insights on our relationship with Jesus, our Lover, and our relationship with the one we have ‘fallen in love’ with. It offers couples a wealth of advice in both day to day living and the rightness of deep intimacy in a true loving Christian relationship. Invaluable for both those preparing for marriage, and married couples of any age. - Rev Robert Green, Sherborne Abbey