This title was first released in 1979, but has not been available for an extended period. It has been freshly laid out and the text has been revised and brought up to date using the ESV as the source of Scripture quotations.
In his Foreword, Richard Gibbons, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian, Greenville, South Carolina says:
“It is a refreshing experience to read book so well researched and so cogently argued. Chapters 3 and 4, in which John deals with ‘The excellence of the evidence’, are pages you will want to read again and again. Chapters 7–9 are important reminders that there is no substitute for reading, digesting and applying the Scriptures to our lives today. In a world dominated by MP3 players, multiplex cinemas, satellite television, mobile phones, e–mail, the internet and YouTube, John’s timely reminder that Christians ought to enjoy the reading of the Scriptures is essential if we are ever to grow in our relationship with the living God.
As you begin this book let me add a ‘health warning’. Don’t read it if you want to maintain the status quo of your Christian faith. However, if you want to be drawn into the subject matter, grow in faith, spend time getting to know your Bible and understand why it is vital to do so, then this book is for you. I cannot recommend it strongly enough. Enjoy it, read it, read it slowly, revel in it, do so prayerfully—then get another copy to give to someone else, so that they too can learn how to benefit from the excellence of How to enjoy your Bible.”
In his Foreword, Richard Gibbons, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian, Greenville, South Carolina says:
“It is a refreshing experience to read book so well researched and so cogently argued. Chapters 3 and 4, in which John deals with ‘The excellence of the evidence’, are pages you will want to read again and again. Chapters 7–9 are important reminders that there is no substitute for reading, digesting and applying the Scriptures to our lives today. In a world dominated by MP3 players, multiplex cinemas, satellite television, mobile phones, e–mail, the internet and YouTube, John’s timely reminder that Christians ought to enjoy the reading of the Scriptures is essential if we are ever to grow in our relationship with the living God.
As you begin this book let me add a ‘health warning’. Don’t read it if you want to maintain the status quo of your Christian faith. However, if you want to be drawn into the subject matter, grow in faith, spend time getting to know your Bible and understand why it is vital to do so, then this book is for you. I cannot recommend it strongly enough. Enjoy it, read it, read it slowly, revel in it, do so prayerfully—then get another copy to give to someone else, so that they too can learn how to benefit from the excellence of How to enjoy your Bible.”