Bright City's story is one of a brave family of artists set free to serve God serve their Church and serve their City.
St Peter's Church was planted in 2009 in Brighton a city on England's south coast bursting with creativity and life. Graphic designers illustrators and artists sculptors dancers and photographers – Brighton is a thriving artistic melting pot with a world-renowned music scene. Home to everyone from Adele and Fatboy Slim to buskers and university music students it's a city that the church wanted to engage with as well as meet the needs of.
Archie and Sam Coates (Vicar of St Peter's) positioned worship at the centre of church life and established St Peter's as a chaplaincy to the city's many artists. Creatives were drawn to the church including songwriters Matt Redman (10 000 Reasons Blessed Be Your Name) Martin Smith (Delirious? Majesty Waiting Here For You) and a new generation of producers musicians and song-writers.
Bright City has been established as a family of artists (across music dance production and visual arts) who serve and lead the worship life of St Peter's and unite around a vision to see the church city and world come alive through worshipping Jesus. A new expression for a new generation of worshippers their values of authenticity bravery and creativity (our ABC) run through the core of all they do.
Hello Maker was released in July 2017 including songs 'Rock of Our Salvation' and 'Maker of the Moon' - an intentionally more church/worship based record. "The project is a collection of honest and brave offerings to the One we were made for " explains worship pastor Paul Nelson. "Birthed in worship in their journey as the Bright City family and in the context of the City we do life in they hope that in some way the songs bring you face to face with your maker as they have done for us."