With every church member comes a unique set of skills and abilities. The church leader is charged with the weighty task of uncovering and validating all of them.
While some have easily identifiable skillsets, author and leadership consultant, Alan Briggs, believes that bringing out the abilities of the overlooked-those with a unique skill-set that aren't as easily identifiable-remains a key component that will determine the church's impact in this generation.
While well-intentioned, spiritual-gift-inventories have largely focused on how your spiritual gifts can be assimilated into the serving needs inside the local church, but Everyone's a Genius reframes how God-given genius can help us join God's mission to restore all things. This is a simple, yet inspiring, look into how we can more effectively challenge those in the church pews to leverage abilities for the sake of impacting the world for Jesus.
After all, Everyone's a Genius at something . . . we just need to uncover and release it.