Home :: Books :: Theological Issues :: Heaven & Hell :: BEYOND THE FINAL CURTAIN


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Death is inevitable, unavoidable and for many, completely unexplainable. Why do we die at all? What is death, and is there anything beyond death? Our own death is truly a gateway that every single person must travel through, yet it is almost never talked about. It is a deadline nobody can remove. It is because of the enormous significance of death, that we should strive to know more about its place in our life's journey. The author inspires the reader with truths and profound insights that both reassures and warns us that death isn't a dead end. There is more beyond the final curtain of this life. This book shares the eternal loving nature of Jesus and provides a balanced context for the judgements we face as we reach the threshold of the Kingdom to come. One day, an account will be taken of our lives on earth. This book helps you to measure your progress and give opportunity to grasp discipleship with Jesus as a joy and a magnificent privilege. The author implores, "Seek God now - don't wait!"

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2 Most recent customer reviews (see all reviews):
Richard Roe
Apr 5, 2020

Review by Charles Gardner

As a journalist of more than 40 years, I am well used to deadlines. But I take my hat off to fellow writer Richard Roe for daring to tackle the ultimate deadline. In this excellent book, he addresses a subject most of us try all our lives to avoid – what happens when we die.
Actually, it’s not as morbid as it sounds, and is both well written and hugely insightful. Basically, his thesis is that the resurrection of Jesus has dealt with man’s greatest enemy. But at the same time the author pulls no punches, asserting that Jesus is the only way to heaven and the only means of avoiding hell.
His reasoning is intelligent, sound and practical, but essentially biblical, concluding that the Word of God holds the key to the hereafter.
It may be a taboo subject not suited to livening up a party, but this is a deadline we will certainly all face sooner or later as well as a clear and beautiful presentation of the gospel that tells us Jesus has paid the price for our sins, which would otherwise condemn us to everlasting torment.
The author also ably demonstrates how Jesus fulfills the Jewish (Old Testament) scriptures and how, in turning water into wine, he showed that he is Creator of the Universe.

Charles Gardner
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Jon F
Mar 2, 2020
Great book that encourages discussion about Christian belief related to the subject of death, and helps us discover God's wonderful plan for us to live with meaning and purpose.
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