Home :: Books :: Theological Issues :: Ethics :: ABORTION


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Good Book Company
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Our culture is locked in a battle between two opposing worldviews on abortion. How can we help those who are struggling with the emotional and spiritual fallout from abortion? How should Christians advise those who are feeling pressure to abort their child? What should we be saying in the public arena, and how should we conduct ourselves in conversation?

In this short book, Lizzie Ling and Vaughan Roberts survey the Christian worldview and help us to think biblically, speak wisely and act compassionately as we engage with the people, the questions and the heartache surrounding abortion, in a society with very different values.

Dr Lizzie Ling was a GP for many years, and worked in Southern Africa for over 10 years supporting local churches as they cared for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Vaughan Roberts is the pastor of St Ebbe’s church, Oxford, and an author of many books, including the other books in this highly regarded ‘Talking Points’ series that help Christians think, talk and relate to others with compassion, conviction and wisdom about today’s big issues.

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