His name meant 'God is my judge,' and
his life bore witness to that fact.
Daniel was a man who knew the Most High.
An intimate friend of God, he realised
simultaneously that friendship cost time
kneeling in humility.
He understood God's sovereignty, even
in pagan Babylon where the Jews were
exiled, and he refused to compromise his
Daniel's resolution meant sacrifice.
It meant discipline in prayer, diplomacy
with government leaders, and dedication
to living 'set apart'. It meant
depending on an unchanging God to give
him an unwavering vision.
Amid a pagan nation, an arrogant
king, ravenous lions, and a blazing
furnace, Daniel and his friends sought
God and found Him in a way that will
inspire and strengthen your journey. The
same God who shut the lions' mouths and
rescued His men unscathed from the
flames will consecrate you to dream His
dreams and do His work if only you allow
Him. Do you have what it takes?
his life bore witness to that fact.
Daniel was a man who knew the Most High.
An intimate friend of God, he realised
simultaneously that friendship cost time
kneeling in humility.
He understood God's sovereignty, even
in pagan Babylon where the Jews were
exiled, and he refused to compromise his
Daniel's resolution meant sacrifice.
It meant discipline in prayer, diplomacy
with government leaders, and dedication
to living 'set apart'. It meant
depending on an unchanging God to give
him an unwavering vision.
Amid a pagan nation, an arrogant
king, ravenous lions, and a blazing
furnace, Daniel and his friends sought
God and found Him in a way that will
inspire and strengthen your journey. The
same God who shut the lions' mouths and
rescued His men unscathed from the
flames will consecrate you to dream His
dreams and do His work if only you allow
Him. Do you have what it takes?