Life has a way of tilting. Jobs are
lost. Children leave. Homes foreclose.
Spouses die. Everyone experiences the
loss of something or someone precious at
some point. And more often than not a
loss is unexpected, certainly unwanted,
and can be our undoing. Miriam Neff,
M.A. in counseling, has experienced loss
in many manifestations from her beloved
soul mate Bob going home to the Lord to
a close family member's incarceration.
Yet, she has learned "that good things
are still possible."
""Life is like a kaleidoscope. We point
our sphere toward the light, peer in,
and see a beautiful array of glass and
stones reflecting beauty, diversity, and
contrast. We adjust the lens, and
another beautiful, yet different
combination of color evolves. Then
suddenly the kaleidoscope is thrust to
face a black hole. No light means no
beautiful display. ""When you timidly,
maybe fearfully, tilt your kaleidoscope
back toward the light, you'll see a new
combination you've never seen before,
colors you didn't know existed. Location
and contrast create new and unexpected
beauty. " "
More than a "survival" book, "Where Do I
go From Here" raises the bar in life
after loss to include love, laughter,
and adventure. This is a book about
facing forward, not backwards. It is
about purposely moving into a bolder and
broader future.
Includes practical help and chapter
discussion questions for individual or
group study.
lost. Children leave. Homes foreclose.
Spouses die. Everyone experiences the
loss of something or someone precious at
some point. And more often than not a
loss is unexpected, certainly unwanted,
and can be our undoing. Miriam Neff,
M.A. in counseling, has experienced loss
in many manifestations from her beloved
soul mate Bob going home to the Lord to
a close family member's incarceration.
Yet, she has learned "that good things
are still possible."
""Life is like a kaleidoscope. We point
our sphere toward the light, peer in,
and see a beautiful array of glass and
stones reflecting beauty, diversity, and
contrast. We adjust the lens, and
another beautiful, yet different
combination of color evolves. Then
suddenly the kaleidoscope is thrust to
face a black hole. No light means no
beautiful display. ""When you timidly,
maybe fearfully, tilt your kaleidoscope
back toward the light, you'll see a new
combination you've never seen before,
colors you didn't know existed. Location
and contrast create new and unexpected
beauty. " "
More than a "survival" book, "Where Do I
go From Here" raises the bar in life
after loss to include love, laughter,
and adventure. This is a book about
facing forward, not backwards. It is
about purposely moving into a bolder and
broader future.
Includes practical help and chapter
discussion questions for individual or
group study.