Paul has provoked people as much in recent times as he did in the early church. Then they sometimes threw stones at him; now they tend to throw words. Some people still regard Paul as a pestilent and dangerous fellow.
Others think him the greatest teacher of Christianity after Jesus himself. In What St Paul Really Said Tom Wright attempts to clear a path through to the St Paul of history, a path, he says, which has been obscured by much of modern theology. Bishop Wright seeks to study Paul in his own terms and to come to grips with what he really said.
The book looks at key questions such as: What does Paul mean by 'the gospel'? What did he think about Jesus? How did he challenge paganis? What was his message for Israel? What did he mean by 'justification'? Was Paul really the founder of Christianity'? What St Paul really Said is a book for all who want to weigh the evidence before making up their minds on the vital questions surrounding Paul. Equally it is for those who want to know what his message migh mean for us today.
Others think him the greatest teacher of Christianity after Jesus himself. In What St Paul Really Said Tom Wright attempts to clear a path through to the St Paul of history, a path, he says, which has been obscured by much of modern theology. Bishop Wright seeks to study Paul in his own terms and to come to grips with what he really said.
The book looks at key questions such as: What does Paul mean by 'the gospel'? What did he think about Jesus? How did he challenge paganis? What was his message for Israel? What did he mean by 'justification'? Was Paul really the founder of Christianity'? What St Paul really Said is a book for all who want to weigh the evidence before making up their minds on the vital questions surrounding Paul. Equally it is for those who want to know what his message migh mean for us today.