This book provides a valuable resource
for those leading worship and preaching
through Holy Week and Easter.
Each day has an introduction based on
the Gospel accounts, drawing out the
different and rich perspectives of the
four Evangelists. A reflection is then
offered for sermon material and a full
service is provided.
Each of the Three Hours of Good Friday
has a different approach – a dramatic
reading of the Gospel account from St
Matthew, meditations on the Passion with
St Mark and a service based on readings
from both the Old and New Testaments.
As well as an Easter vigil and a service
of Resurrection for Easter Day, there
are short services for Easter Light and
the Easter Garden.
for those leading worship and preaching
through Holy Week and Easter.
Each day has an introduction based on
the Gospel accounts, drawing out the
different and rich perspectives of the
four Evangelists. A reflection is then
offered for sermon material and a full
service is provided.
Each of the Three Hours of Good Friday
has a different approach – a dramatic
reading of the Gospel account from St
Matthew, meditations on the Passion with
St Mark and a service based on readings
from both the Old and New Testaments.
As well as an Easter vigil and a service
of Resurrection for Easter Day, there
are short services for Easter Light and
the Easter Garden.