Home :: Books :: The Christian Life :: Christian Living :: UNSHAKABLE FOUNDATIONS


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Bethany House
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Time-Tested Apologetic Truths From Two Leading Authorities

Seeking steadfast answers about the difficult questions of life on which to stand firm? This comprehensive and eminently readable survey of the central issues of Christianity provides just the conclusive responses readers desire. There are answers to the most crucial issues of our time, all presented in an easy-to-understand format that helps you remember information for when you'll need it most.

Written by Dr. Norman Geisler and Peter Bocchino, Unshakable Foundations is the culmination of more than thirty years of experience teaching apologetics. The information has been refined and sorted to present the truths most critical for today's readers. With clear and direct evidence, the authors help construct a foundation on which readers may stand firm in this changing world.

Topics covered include the origin of life, good vs. evil, science and the universe, heaven and hell, and the deity of Jesus. As well, major ethical issues of contemporary society are addressed--from biomedicine to abortion. Uniquely integrating illustrations to clarify abstract concepts, the book is written for anyone seeking comprehensible answers to difficult questions to the faith.

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