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How to burn with a wildfire faith despite the firestorms of life.

What is your faith today? Is it an early spark, just beginning to flicker? A raging bonfire? Smoldering coals? Does your love for God burn so brightly that others are drawn to its radiance and warmed by it heat?

Or has your passion cooled, your light dimmed, and your fire faded to cold, gray ashes?

Throughout history, God has used the image of fire to represent his awesome power, and one day you will stand in God's holy presence and see his burning love for you face-to-face. But until then, there is a life to be lived on earth, and the flame of your faith that once burned so brightly can falter in the storms.

Whatever the condition of your faith, whether you burn with a feeble flicker or a growing passion, you can discover how to draw nearer to the heat of God's eternal flame and fan the spirit within you. Bestselling author Carol Kent takes you into God's Word and into your own story, revealing the true power of the fire God has placed in you - a power that will stir your desire and embolden you to spark wildfire beyond your wildest imagination

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