Jesus is the new Moses, our Savior, Redeemer, and Deliverer. He has led a new spiritual exodus and initiated the new covenant. We should respond to new Moses by repenting of our sins and trusting him to deliver us from the punishment our sins deserve and redeem us from the spiritual slavery that these sins imposed.
Jesus is the new David, our King. He will rule over a kingdom composed of people from every nation, tribe, and tongue forever and ever. We must kneel before his throne as humble subjects recognizing that he bears all authority and that he deserves and demands our fullest submission.
Jesus is the new Abraham, our Founder. He fulfills God's covenant with Abraham by creating a new chosen people composed of both Jews and Gentiles who will be holy as God is holy and who will serve as a light to the nations. Jesus is the new Creator, the Immanuel, Yahweh in human flesh.
Jesus is the new David, our King. He will rule over a kingdom composed of people from every nation, tribe, and tongue forever and ever. We must kneel before his throne as humble subjects recognizing that he bears all authority and that he deserves and demands our fullest submission.
Jesus is the new Abraham, our Founder. He fulfills God's covenant with Abraham by creating a new chosen people composed of both Jews and Gentiles who will be holy as God is holy and who will serve as a light to the nations. Jesus is the new Creator, the Immanuel, Yahweh in human flesh.