Lucy and Edmund are visiting their odious cousin Eustace and are drawn into the NARNIA world through a picture of a ship at sea, the three children materialise in the ocean close to the pictured vessel and are taken aboard THE DAWN TREADER. Since peace was established in NARNIA, Prince Caspian had undertaken his oath to find the seven lost lords of NARNIA. They find themselves travelling to Lone Islands and Deathwater Island where they discover a pool of water which turns everything immersed in it into gold, including a missing lord. As the DAWN TREADER becomes seaworthy they travel to Dark Island since it is permanently hidden in darkness. During their voyage on the majestic royal vessel they encounter marfolk, dragons, dwarves, sea monsters and a wandering band of lost warriors. As the edge of the world draws near their remarkable adventure at sea sails towards an exciting, yet uncertain conclusion.