Ideal for 5-8s.
This busy activity book will provide hours of creative fun over the Easter holiday period. The Easter story is retold in 22 double page spreads, beginning with the story of Palm Sunday, following the traditional events of Holy Week and Easter, and beyond to the birth of the early church and ministry of the apostles. On-the-page activities are designed to tease out the storyline and increase comprehension and memorability. Each page is beautifully illustrated by Heather Stuart, and the answers to all puzzles are given at the back of the book.
This busy activity book will provide hours of creative fun over the Easter holiday period. The Easter story is retold in 22 double page spreads, beginning with the story of Palm Sunday, following the traditional events of Holy Week and Easter, and beyond to the birth of the early church and ministry of the apostles. On-the-page activities are designed to tease out the storyline and increase comprehension and memorability. Each page is beautifully illustrated by Heather Stuart, and the answers to all puzzles are given at the back of the book.