This tale, set in a simpler time, about a big, loving Italian family and quirky A.J.'s childlike faith will warm reader's hearts.
The year is 1968. After spending the first half of summer vacation driving her Italian family crazy with her fake southern accent, A.J. finds a soul mate on the other side of the island to divert her attention. She is intrigued to learn that Danny shares her same burning desire to know the God who holds the stars in the heavens and realises that few people her age think as deeply as the two of them do. However, the depth of their newfound faith and friendship is soon tested when Danny's father betrays his wife, Stella.
The year is 1968. After spending the first half of summer vacation driving her Italian family crazy with her fake southern accent, A.J. finds a soul mate on the other side of the island to divert her attention. She is intrigued to learn that Danny shares her same burning desire to know the God who holds the stars in the heavens and realises that few people her age think as deeply as the two of them do. However, the depth of their newfound faith and friendship is soon tested when Danny's father betrays his wife, Stella.