This is an uplifting romantic comedy, based upon the biblical book of Ruth, with the themes of loyalty, courage and compassion.
Set in New York, Oxfordshire and Northumberland, Rosie: Note to Self tells the story of Rosie Whitton, her whirlwind romance with Cameron, and how tragedy strikes. But there is hope for a brighter future ...
'I thoroughly enjoyed Rosie and read it in one sitting - I literally could not put it down finally finishing at three in the morning. This book will fly off the shelf!' - Julie Jowett, High Street Retailer
Set in New York, Oxfordshire and Northumberland, Rosie: Note to Self tells the story of Rosie Whitton, her whirlwind romance with Cameron, and how tragedy strikes. But there is hope for a brighter future ...
'I thoroughly enjoyed Rosie and read it in one sitting - I literally could not put it down finally finishing at three in the morning. This book will fly off the shelf!' - Julie Jowett, High Street Retailer