Hymns Old & New has proved itself to be one of the country's most popular and widely used hymn books, having reprinted five times and sold over 300,000 copies. Published after a process of thorough consultation, it is an eclectic collection of standard hymns and newer compositions, reflecting the diversity which is such an invigorating aspect of the Church in these islands.
Hymns Old & New contains nearly 600 fine hymns and worship songs in 2 volumes. All the settings are given in easily singable keys and many have alternative tunes.
Hymns Old & New contains a multiplicity of indexes designed to make the choosing of hymns as straightforward as possible, including an index for the Common Worship Lectionary.
• 600 hymns and songs
• exhaustive indexes
Hymns Old & New contains nearly 600 fine hymns and worship songs in 2 volumes. All the settings are given in easily singable keys and many have alternative tunes.
Hymns Old & New contains a multiplicity of indexes designed to make the choosing of hymns as straightforward as possible, including an index for the Common Worship Lectionary.
• 600 hymns and songs
• exhaustive indexes