Disc 1
I am a pilgrim
May the road rise up
Let your beauty shine
You are the centre
New day
Peace is flowing like a river
The Grail Prayer
O give thanks to the Lord
Hear the cry
Here am I, Lord
Into the sacred Three
Veni lumen cordium
Blessed are the poor
Christus natus est
Disc 2
Silent, surrendered
We come
Christmas poor
In green pastures
Desert waters
Kyrie eleison
Mysterium amoris
Christ in quiet
A cradle song
Evening dedication
Mandatum, novum
Take my life, Lord
Prayer of St Patrick
Spirit divine
Deep peace
I am a pilgrim
May the road rise up
Let your beauty shine
You are the centre
New day
Peace is flowing like a river
The Grail Prayer
O give thanks to the Lord
Hear the cry
Here am I, Lord
Into the sacred Three
Veni lumen cordium
Blessed are the poor
Christus natus est
Disc 2
Silent, surrendered
We come
Christmas poor
In green pastures
Desert waters
Kyrie eleison
Mysterium amoris
Christ in quiet
A cradle song
Evening dedication
Mandatum, novum
Take my life, Lord
Prayer of St Patrick
Spirit divine
Deep peace