Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks -- Wayne Rice's original collection of stories, parables, and anecdotes -- was an instant bestseller. Youth workers clamored for more. And here they are! Wayne has assembled another 100 illustrations from his own files and from the files of youth ministry's best speakers -- Tony Campolo - Doug Fields - Laurie Polich - Miles McPherson Brennan Manning - Les Christie - Bill McNabb - Joel Lusz -- and many more! Here are all kinds of stories for all kinds of youth talks -- devotionals, Bible lessons, openers, humorous anecdotes, poignant narratives, fables, real-life stories. They're all indexed by topic, and they all work with teenagers. They're just the thing to give your youth talks that extra spark you're looking for. If you've used Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks (or used it up!), welcome to this all new collection. If this is your introduction to Hot Illustrations, you're in for a treat -- and your kids will love you for it!