A musical telling the story of the healing of Jairus' Daughter, originally written for the Girls? Brigade Centenary, comprising ten songs and lasting approximately 45 minutes.
Soloists required: Jairus, Jesus, Sick Woman, Jairus? Daughter (aged about 12 years), Friend (another child), plus Choir. The choral parts are mainly written in two-part arrangements, with a small amount of four-part chorus.
The musical is ideally suited to performance by schools or youth groups. The musical can be performed as fully staged version with full drama, or as a concert version with narration.
Soloists required: Jairus, Jesus, Sick Woman, Jairus? Daughter (aged about 12 years), Friend (another child), plus Choir. The choral parts are mainly written in two-part arrangements, with a small amount of four-part chorus.
The musical is ideally suited to performance by schools or youth groups. The musical can be performed as fully staged version with full drama, or as a concert version with narration.