The topic of preaching can be determined
in one of two ways—to attend to the
breadth of the Bible and be disciplined
by the lectionary, or attend to what God
is saying to us now. But each has its
pitfalls, so is there a better way?
This study explores the virtues and
problems with both, and suggests a more
dynamic way to consider both the regular
diet of the congregation and the need to
listen to God now. It suggests key
principles and offers examples of sermon
series along with resources for further
in one of two ways—to attend to the
breadth of the Bible and be disciplined
by the lectionary, or attend to what God
is saying to us now. But each has its
pitfalls, so is there a better way?
This study explores the virtues and
problems with both, and suggests a more
dynamic way to consider both the regular
diet of the congregation and the need to
listen to God now. It suggests key
principles and offers examples of sermon
series along with resources for further