When a powerful king learned to read, his people came to understand the true value of God's Word.
When a young scholar translated the Bible into English he risked his life to smuggle it into the country.
When a young man was challenged during the Second World War it meant there was one less to fight Hitler, but one more to make sure the people of Guatemala received Bibles.
Then in 1982 a young woman peers intently towards the sky... an aeroplane is due with some precious cargo.
Men and women like them have travelled far and wide, lived a life of danger and adventure and have even died because of the Bible. They did this so that others would hear about the only true salvation through Jesus Christ.
When a young scholar translated the Bible into English he risked his life to smuggle it into the country.
When a young man was challenged during the Second World War it meant there was one less to fight Hitler, but one more to make sure the people of Guatemala received Bibles.
Then in 1982 a young woman peers intently towards the sky... an aeroplane is due with some precious cargo.
Men and women like them have travelled far and wide, lived a life of danger and adventure and have even died because of the Bible. They did this so that others would hear about the only true salvation through Jesus Christ.