Following Jesus is an easy-to-use Christian discipleship guide. It helps you mentor believers to grow in faith. This short booklet is a basic Christian discipleship curriculum that covers the key topics including "Salvation, Sin and Forgiveness, "Prayer, Bible Study & Church," "Fears, Doubts & Trust," "Spiritual Gifts, Giving & Sharing," and "Reliability of the Christian Faith.
Following Jesus answers the big question for every new believer, "I'm a Christian, so now what?" Studying the handy 12-page booklet helps believers get on the right path and begin to find their place in God's family -- a family that serves the Lord and loves others.
Following Jesus answers the big question for every new believer, "I'm a Christian, so now what?" Studying the handy 12-page booklet helps believers get on the right path and begin to find their place in God's family -- a family that serves the Lord and loves others.