First and Second Timothy and Titus are designated Pastoral Letters because they deal with leadership and organizational issues of the early Christian community. Probably written after the death ofPaul, they nevertheless express what Paul himself would have and could have written to community leaders. Second Timothy gives the greatest amount of biographical material we have aboutPaul. The Letter to Philemon, a miniature but authentic Pauline jewel, is a masterpiece of persuasion regarding a slave's freedom.
Terence J. Keegan's perceptive commentaries on these precious remnants of first century Christianity provide information and insight regarding the gradual growth of the church. There are pertinent lessons here for today's shepherds and their flocks.
Terence J. Keegan's perceptive commentaries on these precious remnants of first century Christianity provide information and insight regarding the gradual growth of the church. There are pertinent lessons here for today's shepherds and their flocks.