Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered?
Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. The sentence is passed; the gavel bangs down — ‘NOT GUILTY!’
How this verdict is reached touches the very heart of the gospel message, and shows the amazing extent of the grace that God has shown to us by sending his Son to take the punishment for our sin.
Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. The sentence is passed; the gavel bangs down — ‘NOT GUILTY!’
How this verdict is reached touches the very heart of the gospel message, and shows the amazing extent of the grace that God has shown to us by sending his Son to take the punishment for our sin.