The view of the Bible among many within the church today has become blurred. Large numbers of Christians have left behind thoughts of a Bible whose whole and every part is inspired, without error, and the only ultimate authority to bind our consciences and teach us about God and his redemption. Many wonder whether we can really believe what the Bible says, or be certain about what it teaches. Others elevate a subjective leading of the Holy Spirit as direction for life over the wisdom of the Word of God.
In this work Tom Barnes shows us that a belief in the inerrant, unchanging Word of God, and therefore in God himself, is essential for our spiritual growth and vitality; indeed, for our own personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ. God has given us his Word to reveal his saving work. To doubt his Word is to doubt both him and his work.
In this work Tom Barnes shows us that a belief in the inerrant, unchanging Word of God, and therefore in God himself, is essential for our spiritual growth and vitality; indeed, for our own personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ. God has given us his Word to reveal his saving work. To doubt his Word is to doubt both him and his work.