The word 'home' brings with it a cluster of ideas, sucj as love, security, discipline, warmth and commitment. At the heart of 'home' is not a place or a building, but a right relation to someone, who will give you the things that you need while loving you. 'Home' in that sense was God's idea, and the home and family, at their best, are models for man's ideal relationship with God, but sin came in and changed all that. Now there is a homelessness which applied to the whole human race and of which each of us is a part. But God did not leave it there. He still brings men and women back to himself, and he has a place for his family, where they will be truly at home with himself and his Son Jesus Christ for ever. In simple, clear language, this book shows us the way back to God and urges us to 'come home to God....for ever'. It is a book to read and to give to non-Christian friends. The author is well-known for his Evangelistic books.