Today's evangelicals are part of a historical family that has flourished since the 1730s, the decade that marked the rise of evangelicalism in Britain. This evangelical family tree bustles with activity and flourishes with interesting people who have left their mark on church and society. The Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals offers access to the lives and achievements of the men and women who have shaped this evangelical heritage.Reaching back to the movement's precursors, who appear as early as John Wycliffe in the fourteenth century, the Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals takes readers up to the present by including figures who were born in 1935 or earlier, such as Billy Graham and Bill Bright.Unlike some biographical dictionaries, in which articles are brief and contain only the most basic biographical data, the Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals offers more expansive treatments and gives us a fuller sense of the lives and times, challenges and accomplishments of many of the most prominent figures in the history of evangelicalism.