This is the rediscovery of genuine, passionate humility as a healthy, life-giving and community-building virtue, capable of transforming our BSE (Blame Someone Else) society. In our celebrity-obsessed culture, humility is unfashionable and too often dismissed or confused with the cringing, false humility of Uriah Heep. Here the author shows that, when genuine humility is energised by real passion, fresh and exciting light is shone on the challenge of following Jesus Christ today and humility is rediscovered as a healthy, life-giving and community-building virtue. Stories and concrete examples as well as allusions to fiction, poetry and art engage the reader's imagination; and big theological ideas are articulated in a highly accessible way. The emphasis on learning from challenging experiences and on very practical application makes this a 'theology travel book', for Lent and well beyond. It powerfully synthesizes values and practices which are often disconnected.