Home :: Books :: The Christian Life :: Counselling :: AMBUSHED BY GRACE


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Discovery House
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If your household is like millions of others (22 million in the U.S. alone), you are on a journey. Like others on this journey, you probably feel ill-prepared, with no training, few skills, and a tentative heart for the challenges you face each day. If you are like millions of others, you are facing the stark reality of care-giving.

Author and experienced care-giver Shelly Beach has learned that care-giving is messy and costly - physically, emotionally, and financially - the hardest work you will probably ever have to do. And yet Shelly has learned through her own experience that care-giving, with all of its demands, can also be a gift that changes your heart and transforms your life.

This is the book that every care-giver needs. It offers practical advice, Web sites, phone numbers, and wisdom from experts tin the fields of geriatrics and family counselling. Most importantly, Shelly says, this book is intended "to draw you into the Word and to sensitize you to the work of the Spirit of God in your life. To make care-giving simply a task is a distortion of its purpose; rather, it is a divine appointment, a redemptive encounter, and an act of worship."

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