For over fifty years, David Adam has sought to affirm the presence of God by rejoicing each day in the fact that ‘God is here’ and with us wherever we are.
Believing that prayer should involve the whole of our being, he decided to use hands and eyes as well as mouth, heart and mind. He would keep a ‘prayer diary’ and pen a prayer every day, using the time to focus on the love and presence of God. Many of these prayers were deeply personal, others were prayers relevant to the moment alone.
He has shared some of these prayers with us in this book in the hope that they will encourage you to keep your own prayer diary which would provide your own special moment in the day for focussing on God. With a whole year’s worth of such prayers, his book invites you to ‘affirm the presence’ each day and to rejoice in the love and closeness of God.
Believing that prayer should involve the whole of our being, he decided to use hands and eyes as well as mouth, heart and mind. He would keep a ‘prayer diary’ and pen a prayer every day, using the time to focus on the love and presence of God. Many of these prayers were deeply personal, others were prayers relevant to the moment alone.
He has shared some of these prayers with us in this book in the hope that they will encourage you to keep your own prayer diary which would provide your own special moment in the day for focussing on God. With a whole year’s worth of such prayers, his book invites you to ‘affirm the presence’ each day and to rejoice in the love and closeness of God.