What if there is more to our faith than just getting our souls into heaven? What if there is a power in the gospel that's been kept under lock and key because of our culture-controlled church? If we placed our beliefs and their origins under the microscope, what would we see?
Best-selling authors Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo invite you to do just that. Join them on an adventure - one that's about uncovering and naming faulty conclusions, suppositions, and assumptions about the Christian faith. In Adventures in Missing the Point, the authors take turns addressing how we've missed the point on crucial topics such as: salvation, the Bible, being postmodern, worship, truth and many more.
Best-selling authors Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo invite you to do just that. Join them on an adventure - one that's about uncovering and naming faulty conclusions, suppositions, and assumptions about the Christian faith. In Adventures in Missing the Point, the authors take turns addressing how we've missed the point on crucial topics such as: salvation, the Bible, being postmodern, worship, truth and many more.