The Acts of the Apostles describes the progress of the gospel after the Lord Jesus returned to heaven. It begins with His final instructions to the disciples prior to His ascension (ch 1), and the commencement of the church on the day of Pentecost (ch 2).
In this comprehensive consideration divided into helpful sections and suitable for systematic study, the author notes three major divisions in the books: chs 1-7 centred on Jerusalem, chs 8-12 centred on Judaea and Samaria, and chs 13-28 centred on Antioch.
In this comprehensive consideration divided into helpful sections and suitable for systematic study, the author notes three major divisions in the books: chs 1-7 centred on Jerusalem, chs 8-12 centred on Judaea and Samaria, and chs 13-28 centred on Antioch.