Lessons in transitioning from a first generation movement under one founder leader to becoming a second generation movement with a multiple leadership. The issue of leadership succession has become a particular challenge for many fresh movements of churches which started as a result of the faith step of a particular founder, and who are now having to move to the next generation of leadership, whilst maintaining the same demonstration of missional and charismatic life. Several of these new movements have already made the transition to next generation leadership; others are about to do so. Some have done so successfully; others have experienced a measure of conflict and division, but either way it is not an easy transition. David Devenish tells the story of how Newfrontiers tackled this challenge, and how they successfully transitioned to next generation leadership through multiplication of leadership teams rather than appointing a successor, while still maintaining ministry accountability. It sets out both practical lessons that could be used by other movements as they embark on a similar journey, as well as drawing on academic studies of movements within the Christian world.