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PSALM 73 - 106

PSALM 73 - 106
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Day One Publications
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This is the third volume of Tony Bennett’s Devotional Commentaries on the Psalms, covering Books Three and Four of the Psalter, that is Psalms 73–106. We open with a collection of psalms written by Asaph (73–83), followed by another small Korah collection (84– 85, 87–88). Other named authors are David, Moses and Ethan the Ezrahite, while over one-third are anonymous. We are challenged as to whether God is truly King in our lives and whether our worship of him is reverent and God-centred. And do we learn from the past the lessons God seeks to teach us? The format and aim of the book remain the same as in the first two volumes – to show each psalm’s historical setting, explain its meaning, apply its teaching to our daily lives, and see how the psalmist points us to Christ.