The Giant Print Reference edition (GPR) is designed for in-depth Bible Study. Its giant font, 95,000 cross references and 14,000 translation footnotes provide a robust Bible for the lifelong student of Scripture.
Giant 13-point font, with 10-point font cross references and footnotes
Over 95,000 cross references and over 14,000 footnotes
Concordance with over 16,000 references
Black letter text with red for book titles, running headers, chapter and page numbers
2-column paragraph format
Line matched typesetting by 2K Denmark ????????
32 GSM Bible paper
1,984 pages
Rounded spine
Gold foil on spine
Gold-gilded pages with rounded corners
Smyth-sewn, paste-down binding with perimeter stitching
Two double-sided satin ribbons
8 full color maps
Tables for weights, measurements and currency
Printed and bound in Korea ????????
Giant 13-point font, with 10-point font cross references and footnotes
Over 95,000 cross references and over 14,000 footnotes
Concordance with over 16,000 references
Black letter text with red for book titles, running headers, chapter and page numbers
2-column paragraph format
Line matched typesetting by 2K Denmark ????????
32 GSM Bible paper
1,984 pages
Rounded spine
Gold foil on spine
Gold-gilded pages with rounded corners
Smyth-sewn, paste-down binding with perimeter stitching
Two double-sided satin ribbons
8 full color maps
Tables for weights, measurements and currency
Printed and bound in Korea ????????