Delightful reflections for the Advent period
Nick Baines invites you to reflect on the Book of Isaiah as Christmas approaches
You'll see how you can become a 'light to the nations'
From Advent to Epiphany with the prophet Isaiah - 6 week study
Comfort, O comfort my people. . . In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord.'
The second part of the book of Isaiah rings with proclamations and prophecies that find their fulfilment in the Gospels and are still being fulfilled by followers of Jesus today.
In Freedom is Coming Nick Baines invites you to think about what it meant for people in Isaiah's day to be living in exile, and how the prophet encouraged them to keep their faith alive despite the apparent hopelessness of their situation.
At the same time, this book helps you to see the connections between Isaiah's time and ours, and how his vision of God's truth and justice spreading throughout the world can comfort, challenge and inspire God's people now, just as it did back then.
Read this book and find out how you too can become a 'light to the nations' as, once again, we approach the celebration of Christ's birth and the new world that God has promised to bring into being.
Freedom is Coming by Nick Baines was published by SPCK in August 2019 and is our 55683rd best seller.