Introducing a unique series of books under the title All you need to know about the Bible. The six books will cover almost every question you may ask about the Bible and at a level that is both accessible for the ordinary reader and valuable for the Bible student. The whole series is fully referenced and indexed. It will prove an indispensable addition to the library of all who take the Bible seriously and teach it at any level, or who simply want to check out the many questions that are being asked today and be equipped to give an informed defence of the faith.
In this third book in the series we examine the question of how the collection of books came into existence; a collection that would be divine in its authorship, fixed in its number, and final in its authority. Where did the idea of collecting the books together come from?
In this third book in the series we examine the question of how the collection of books came into existence; a collection that would be divine in its authorship, fixed in its number, and final in its authority. Where did the idea of collecting the books together come from?